What is Transformational Coaching & Spiritual Counseling

Transformational Coaching & Spiritual Counseling is a process through which we seek to find out who we really are at the center of our beings. Most of us are so busy trying to get to the top of our professions, to be the best parents and good citizens that we end up spending too little time answering the most important question we can ask ourselves – “Who am I?” Each individual has a unique and purposeful talent. Without knowing who we are, we are rarely able to find that thing we can do better than anybody else. And without that directed, fulfilling movement toward our ultimate destiny, we inevitably stumble into the sense that there is something missing from our lives. Frustration, which often leads to crisis and/or depression, is often the wake up call.

Life’s hiccups are opportunistic cracks in the firmament of our lives. The coaching and spiritual counseling profession has been called into being by these and similar pitfalls in our complex society today. A coach/spiritual counselor provides an individual with the opportunity to move forward, through powerful questioning, acute listening, guidance and a map for real action, towards a new perspective and ultimate change. On a practical level, a coach/spiritual counselor works as a one to one guide helping to develop a keen awareness of one’s process. The interfacing (communicating not only on an auditory level but also through sensory data, mood shifts, pace, energy, emotion and reaction to environment) that takes place between client and coach/spiritual counselor is an exploration of values and a cultivation of a deep sense of self, without which it is difficult to find true fulfillment and meaning.

An open trusting relationship is crucial to this exploration. Without judgment one can learn as much from failure as from accomplishment.

A coach/spiritual counselor creates an environment where the only consequence of truth is growth and learning. When we are not able to access our own truth (as we are often not) a good coach/spiritual counselor has the acuity to help guide one through the chaos and fog. Where there is courage to tell the truth the client gets a model in the art of “being straight” and is set on a practical path to dealing with the gremlin or “little voice” that often abhors change and demands the status quo. Becoming conscious of the forces at work within us liberates our fears and opens the gateway for walking a path toward a positive and meaningful future.

The Transformational Coaching & Spiritual Counseling profession has experienced excellent results in helping people to create real and consistent results in their lives. There is not an individual out there who would not benefit from the awareness that Transformational Coaching & Spiritual Counseling brings (no matter the issues they are searching to define). A few years ago the question often asked outside of the Transformational Coaching & Spiritual Counseling community was, “what is a life coach?” Today it is “who is your life coach?” Find a good Life Coach who moves and inspires you. You will never see your life in the same way again.